A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jazz Game

So just for fun Russ and I went to a Jazz game on Thursday night. It was such a fun night out! We sat up in the nose bleed section but I loved every minute all the same. So did Ava, either that or she hated it. She was kicking and moving around like there was a one woman circus going on inside my belly. Haha it was great! I guess all the noise keep her wide awake and alert.

Russell loves to put his hand on my belly whenever she is moving around, our little baby girl!! We can't wait to meet her. I can hardly believe how close we are getting to the end. She will probably be born next month! I only have a month or so left. As of late, I've been so overcome with tons of mixed emotions. I'm more anxious and excited then ever to finally be a mommy and have my own little baby girl to love, dress up and play with. But at the same time I'm petrified to go through the labor and pain of it all. Is that wimpy of me to admit? I have been obsessed with hearing the birth stories of every one I know and what they went through for their babies. I have no idea what's in store for me. I guess only time will tell.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fantastic Fives

5 Things I’m passionate about:
1- my hubby
2- Lucky, my little dog
3- scrapbooking
4- decorating
5- photography

5 words/ phrases that I use often:
1- awesome
2- I love you
3- ya for sure
4- for real
5- seriously

5 things I want to do before I die:
1- go skydiving
2- have 3 kids
3- start and successfully run my own business
4-travel around the world
5- anchor a live broadcast on the evening news

5 things I’ve learned in the past:
1- nothing is worth losing a friend over
2- never go to bed angry at someone you love
3- old dogs can learn new tricks
4- no one is all bad you just have to keep looking to find their good
5- not to cry over anyone who wouldn’t cry over me

5 things I currently want/need:
1- more closet space
2- to not have to work
3- to have the baby and be over with the pregnancy
4- more $$$
5- a diamond necklace

5 places I want to see/visit:
1- Egypt- Russ has never been and I want to show him where I grew up
2- Italy
3- New York
4- New Zealand
5- Tahiti

5 TV shows I can’t live without:
1- Gossip Girl
2- 90210- The new one
3- The Hills
4- The Girls Next Door
5- Project Runway

5 Things that happened yesterday:
1- Russ and I went to a Utah Flash basketball game
2- Russ caught the ball that the mascot threw into the stands
3-I heard our baby girl’s heartbeat again at the monthly dr appt
4- I remembered I left my Favorite flip flops at my sisters house in Nebraska
5- I was able to fill up my SUV up with premium gas for only $32

5 Things I look forward to:
1- having a baby girl
2- not being prego anymore!
3- No more maternity clothes, or stretched waisted pants
4- being able to eat sushi and drink Dr Pepper!!
5- finally being able to sleep on my stomach with out my big belly getting in the way

5 Things I love about winter:
1- Christmas
2- Sunday drives through the snowy canyon
3- watching Lucky play in the deep snow
4- cute scarves and gloves
5- snuggling up to Russell to keep warm

5 People I Tag:
1- Alisha
2- Casey
3- Emily
4- Brandy
5- Angela

Twilight and the Holiday

So after all the hype and hearing about nothing but twilight for months I finally read the book. And I LOVED it. Seriously it was so great. This Thanksgiving weekend most of my family headed to Nebraska to spend the holiday with my oldest Sister Nikki and her 2 boys. I didn’t think Russ and I would be going because it would be uncomfortable to travel being as pregnant as I am to endure the 8 hours in the car to get there. But at the last minute Russell had to do a dealer trade for work, which means he had to drive a SUV out to Missouri . So we decided to head to Nebraska for Thanksgiving after all. We left Wednesday night after work and arrived in Kimball , NE around 3:30am. We really enjoyed spending Thanksgiving day will Nikki’s family, my brother Brett and his family and my parents. The food was great and my favorite was my mom’s caramel pumpkin pie! It was so incredibly Delicious! Yummy yummy. Then Friday Russell left to finish the rest of the drive to Missouri to drop off the truck. I stayed with my family instead of continuing on with him. I felt bad leaving him to drive alone but I didn’t think I could handle the rest of the 12 hours to get there and the 12 hours to get back to my sisters. He did that in only 2 days. He arrived back at my sisters on Saturday night. So while he was gone, Nikki and I got to talking about Twilight. She had the book and challenged me to read just a couple chapters to see if I liked it. Well I did and had finished the whole book before Russ got back on Saturday. It only took me about a night and a day to read it. Wow, I was hooked!! I bought the second book New Moon on our drive home and started on that one. I am so anxious to see the Twilight movie now! So I told Russ he has to take me. And he said he will. I don’t think he realizes how girly it probably is but he’s a good sport when it comes to movies. He’ll watch just about anything with me. That is with one EXCEPTION, he won’t watch musicals- High school musical especially he just can’t sit through something like that.

Friday, November 21, 2008

What I love about being Pregnant

Let me just say being pregnant is not what I expected. Some things I love and some things I really don't like. I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate any of it because the result of all this is something really wonderful so I can't hate the process. I have to just appreciate and take it for what it is. Okay so for the things I enjoy. First of all my all time fav thing about it is when baby Ava kicks and moves around in my belly. It is just so amazing to me. Wherever I am and whatever I am doing I stop to watch the the little creature moving inside me. I put my hand on my stomach to feel it. She will always poke part of her body out. I'm not sure if it's an elbow or knee or foot or what but it will be an obvious body part raised up out of my round belly. So as a game I will gently push it back in with my finger. It's like a little game we play back and forth, a way to playfully interact with my baby girl. I told Russell that I do that and he thought it wasn't very nice of me. Haha. I'm not trying to be mean, I think it is more funny. Sorry baby Ava I hope you aren't annoyed by mommy's game :) But whenever baby will move and I am with Russ I will tell him and we will both sit and watch my belly. It is just so incredible. What a little miracle she is. Oh baby Ava I can't wait to meet you!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

7 Things Tag


1. His strong comforting hugs
2. His soft kisses
3. He is so incredibly sexy and Hott! Ow OW!
4. He is so wonderful to always do all the grocery shopping and always keep gas in my car.
5. His sense of humor
6. He is so adventurous and not afraid of anything.
7. He always says I love you at the end of every phone call with me. No matter how short the convo is. He is so Sweet..


1. chips and salsa

2. salad w/ ranch dressing

3. tomatoes. Plain or sliced on toast

4. steak, cooked medium w/ A1 sauce

5. Sushi (oh how I've missed Happy Sumo since being prego)

6. raspberry milkshakes, make w/ my parents fresh berries, Yummy.. :)

7. Fruity Candy: Skittles, Mike and Ikes, Red Vines, Starbursts

1. shop shop shop
2. scrapbook with the right inspiration
3. shake my bon bon, and dance dance dance
4. Talk on the phone for hours and never run out of things to say
5. drive a stick without stalling out
6. fall in love over and over again with my darling husband
7. wear flip flops in the winter snow and not get cold


1 Be on time for anything
2 Teach my dog Lucky to do anything on command like sit or roll over and we've had him for 5 years. So sad
3. Go a day without checking my facebook or myspace. I am so addicted!
4. Keep my kitchen clean for more than a day
5. be alone
6. find anything to wear even with a closet full of clothes
7. cook corn without burning it, sorry Russ I really do try not to

Okay, now its your turn. I tag Andrea, Lisa, Alisha and Casey.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Yes I miss Icon Security. I worked for Icon for 3 1/2 years, it was the most I've ever invested of myself at any job. So when I heard the news that Icon was merging with Pinnacle security, I was absolutely crushed. The merger as they called it was actually more of a aquisition on Pinnacle's part. I guess because of the crummy economy Icon couldn't get approved for the whole amount of the loan they needed to continue on with the company so they decided to let Pinnacle take us over. So the day before Halloween we had a State of The Company meeting as they called it and basically told us the company that we all loved was no more. So I wondered if I even had a job anymore, along with everyone else there. And the truth was most of corporate probably won't. Its a horrible situation. So here I am 7 months pregnant and for all I know out of a job. Since I was working as the executive assistant to the 3 owners of the company I was lucky enough to get an interview over at Pinnacle. And since they put in a VERY good word for me, I was hired. I was so happy. I mean I really didn't want to be job hunting with my big prego belly. Who is actually going to hire a pregnant person? I mean as far along as I am, basically I work for 3 more months then I have to take 4 to 6 weeks off to have the baby. So I was truly blessed to have been hired. So I was hired on as a Regional Operations Coordinator, I'm in charge of helping out all the Icon reps transitioning over to Pinnacle. Which I am so happy to be working with the guys I already know, but Pinnacle is so different in the way they do everything. I started this new job on Monday and the more time I spend there the more I miss Icon. I'm getting sad just thinking and writing about it. I will make a post soon about the top reasons I miss Icon but I don't really want to think about it anymore tonight. But all of you at Icon Security still, I MISS YOU and ICON WAS THE BEST EVER!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Enjoying the Fall

This Sunday Russell, Lucky and I went for a drive up American Fork canyon which is minutes from our house. We decided to take a little hike and let Lucky have a bit of adventure exploring around. Here are some pictures from our evening stroll. The pictures look really dark but it wasn't dark outside. It was around 6pm so the sun was going down but it was still light.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I want that!

Okay, So I have looked at so so many diaper bags. And these 2 are my top favs. Too bad they cost a small fortune to buy. But I can dream can't I ...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Our Baby Girl

So finally I'm posting the 20 week ultrasound pics at my 25th week, its took me a while. Oh our little baby girl is going to be so lovable! Russ, me and baby Ava have had a alot going on over these past few weeks. First of all as you see from my previous sentence we've decided on a name. And little Ava has been busy moving around and kicking up a storm in my belly. But I love it! And now the kicks are strong enough to feel from outside. So the other day Russell felt Ava kick for the first time! And she kicked alot! We know our little baby girl is alive and well in mommy's belly all cozy. And we are so excited to welcome her into our home. Lucky, our dog, is excited too I think.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

When we were young

So I've had time to contemplate about what our baby girl is going to look like. Will she have my dark brown hair or Russell's bright blond hair, my dark brown eyes or Russell's deep blue eyes. We are so very opposite it our features. So I'm very curious which of our features will be mixed together and be on our little baby. I guess only time will tell. So here are a few pictures of Russell and I when we were little to kinda make the thoughts wander. What do you think our baby girl will look like?

Here is Russ, what a cute little boy.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

So, this past weekend Russell and I went to the Hogle Zoo. It really was fun. I haven't been since I was probably 12 years old. So it was fun to feel like a kid again, ewwing and ahhhing over all the animals.

Here is Russell with the Giraffs. It was so cool. He was like the animal whisperer or something. They loved him. The momma giraff let him pet her and the baby giraff below was so curious and kept trying to lick his zoo brochure. There is a better picture of that down below the other pictures. I don't know if your really suppose to get that close to them, probably not. But the sign posted on their fence only said not to feed them it didn't say anything about not petting them. Haha. I guess they figure the giraffs wouldn't dare get that close to people. But they got close to Russell, he's just special like that I guess.

Here is Russell getting the attention of some turtle.
And here the bird was trying to bite at Russell's toes. Haha it was so funny. Russell is seriously the next Dr. Dolittle. Animals LOVE him!!

Below is the rarewhite Alligator. Its pretty cool looking. I guess there are only 10 of these left in the whole world. It almost looks like it could glow in the dark. Hmmm..

Here is Russ with his giraff friend trying to get his brochure. Haha Funny!!

It's a GIRL!!

So, Monday we went to our 20 week ultrasound and found out we are having a baby GIRL! We are so excited. I will post the ultrasound pics we got soon, I just need to scan them in. It was so incredible to see our little baby up on the screen. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Is that really growing inside me? It is 9 inches long now. Wow, so big. Crazy. I feel the baby kick all the time now, especially after I eat something really sugary or candy. I guess that gets the baby all hyper. Every time I feel the baby start kicking and I'm with Russell he hurries and puts his hand on my tummy to try and feel it. But he can't only I can. The kicks and turns the baby does aren't that powerful yet. I know Russ is anxious to feel it though. So we are so excited to have our baby girl. And we are halfway there to meeting her. I am 20 weeks now so 20 more to go. We haven't started decorating the nursery yet. And I haven't even bought any little baby clothes yet. It is still so surreal. But I can't wait to be a mommy!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

A day at the Lake

So, a few weeks ago I really wanted to go boating so we borrowed Russ' parents boat and headed out to Utah Lake. I know what your thinking, yuck.. So dirty.. But its close and if you don't get in the water its just fine. Probably my fav thing about going there, its close and it so BIG! You can drive around the lake forever and feel like you are the one ones out there. That is nice and oh so so relaxing. So here are some pics from our day.

Lucky our dog. He LOVES boating but he's so harry that he must be so hot. So we dunk him in the water. He doesn't like that so much.