A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bye Bye Bunny

So we have had our little bunny for a bit over a month. And it was fun while it lasted but it was only meant to be temporary. So we finally said goodbye to bunny FooFoo on Monday night. It was last minute I found out the lady was stopping by to pick it up. Ava was taking a nap and she didn't want to wake up when the lady got here. So when Ava woke up later on and realized the bunny was gone she was really upset.... And asked me with tears streaming down hr face, "oh no bunny gone... Where did bunny go?" so I told her......

"the bunny went to go live with Snow White in the enchanted forest..."
Then we watched The part of the movie where Snow White is singing with the white bunnies. I told her, " see there that's our happy bunny with her friends." Ava seemed to accept this. It made total since I mean who wouldn't want to live with Snow white? Right??
Ava would want to that's for sure.
When daddy got home from work she had to explain to daddy where bunny went and told him not to be sad since the bunny loves Snow White.

Now I just need to come up with a good story to get rid of her binkys..... any thoughts???

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ultrasound pics

These are the pics they sent home with us after the Ultrasound on Thursday. Since the tech was having issues with their new equipment he gave us free 3D images of our baby. It was amazing. I have only had the 2D ones before with Ava and so I was seriously blown away with how detailed the 3D/4D images of our baby. I mean look how cute she is. It shows her features, her little nose (just like Ava's) her lips... everything. It makes me even more anxious for her to get here and meet her face to face. I love you baby Londyn!

Friday, March 2, 2012

We are having a.......

GIRL!!! I am beyond excited. I think everyone expected me to want a boy this time since I already have a girl but I honestly wanted a girl. I mean don't misunderstand I would have been happy to have one of each but I prefer to have to little girls. Having Ava has been a dream come true for me she is my living doll. I love everything about having a little girl and so I just wanted another one. I guess cuz I am a girl I just understand them better I would be so lost with a boy. On a side note I think this will be our last baby. Yes, yes I only want 2 kids. I realize I live in Utah and am somehow expected to want 5 kids at least but thats just not me. We will more than have out hands full with 2 little girls running around.... Ooooo I love the sound of that

Twoooo little girls!

Anyway the ultrasound was yesterday and Russell and Ava came with me so we would all find out the gender as a
Family. We were in there for over a hour... It was only suppose to be 30 minutes but they had this new equipment and the tech guy didn't know how to use it.

Ya the tech stressed me out. He kept thinking something was wrong or whatever but the other tech would be like no its just the angle. So i am so happy we have a perfectly heathy little baby girl brewing in my belly. Even tho the guy tech told us it was a boy at first. In his defense baby was in a weird position and he was just guessing based on that.

Our baby was so active the whole time flipping and moving the tech had the hardest time getting all the measurements. And the baby did not want us to she what she was. She had her foot between her legs and was hugging my placenta. The tech kept shaking my belly to get her to move. She hated that. Finally a different tech came in and baby must have known cuz she was so cooperative with the lady tech. She knew what she was doing and told us it was a girl and was 100% sure.

So it's a girl and..... We picked a name

Londyn (London)
We are still deciding on a middle name
But right now I love Juliet for a middle name so...

Londyn Juliet Child

But it's not for sure or the spelling of the first name we may spell it London. Who knows?? I still have 5 months to figure it out. Little baby kicks ALL the time! And likes American Idol haha. Ya whenever Russ and I are watching it baby kicks up a storm. Funny baby.

Can't wait to meet our new little munchkin!