A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

So, this past weekend Russell and I went to the Hogle Zoo. It really was fun. I haven't been since I was probably 12 years old. So it was fun to feel like a kid again, ewwing and ahhhing over all the animals.

Here is Russell with the Giraffs. It was so cool. He was like the animal whisperer or something. They loved him. The momma giraff let him pet her and the baby giraff below was so curious and kept trying to lick his zoo brochure. There is a better picture of that down below the other pictures. I don't know if your really suppose to get that close to them, probably not. But the sign posted on their fence only said not to feed them it didn't say anything about not petting them. Haha. I guess they figure the giraffs wouldn't dare get that close to people. But they got close to Russell, he's just special like that I guess.

Here is Russell getting the attention of some turtle.
And here the bird was trying to bite at Russell's toes. Haha it was so funny. Russell is seriously the next Dr. Dolittle. Animals LOVE him!!

Below is the rarewhite Alligator. Its pretty cool looking. I guess there are only 10 of these left in the whole world. It almost looks like it could glow in the dark. Hmmm..

Here is Russ with his giraff friend trying to get his brochure. Haha Funny!!

It's a GIRL!!

So, Monday we went to our 20 week ultrasound and found out we are having a baby GIRL! We are so excited. I will post the ultrasound pics we got soon, I just need to scan them in. It was so incredible to see our little baby up on the screen. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Is that really growing inside me? It is 9 inches long now. Wow, so big. Crazy. I feel the baby kick all the time now, especially after I eat something really sugary or candy. I guess that gets the baby all hyper. Every time I feel the baby start kicking and I'm with Russell he hurries and puts his hand on my tummy to try and feel it. But he can't only I can. The kicks and turns the baby does aren't that powerful yet. I know Russ is anxious to feel it though. So we are so excited to have our baby girl. And we are halfway there to meeting her. I am 20 weeks now so 20 more to go. We haven't started decorating the nursery yet. And I haven't even bought any little baby clothes yet. It is still so surreal. But I can't wait to be a mommy!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

A day at the Lake

So, a few weeks ago I really wanted to go boating so we borrowed Russ' parents boat and headed out to Utah Lake. I know what your thinking, yuck.. So dirty.. But its close and if you don't get in the water its just fine. Probably my fav thing about going there, its close and it so BIG! You can drive around the lake forever and feel like you are the one ones out there. That is nice and oh so so relaxing. So here are some pics from our day.

Lucky our dog. He LOVES boating but he's so harry that he must be so hot. So we dunk him in the water. He doesn't like that so much.