A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bubble Baby

Let me just say at OUR house we have been enjoying every second of this incredible weather lately! I take Ava on long stoller walks and take her to the playground. She loves the slide the best. She is warming up to the swings. She likes it for like 5 seconds tops then starts to freek out. But she LOVES LOVES the slides. She even goes down by herself and giggles the whole time. It is seriously the cutest thing. I just adore this funny little muchkin.
One of her favorite things is to chase bubbles and watch Lucky, our dog, try to catch and eat them too.
She just looks so grown up in all these pics. She's not a little baby anymore she is a TODDLER! What?! Where has the time gone. She is just growning up so fast but I love every second I spend with her.

It was SO hot outside Russ decided to take her for a dip in the stream. The water is really cold still. She was laughing actually right before this shot. But then frowned right as the flash went off. haha. She really wasn't mad..

She spend alot of the time chasing Lucky around trying to steal a hug or kiss from him.

I kept tickling her.. she LOVES that. Even if you don't do anything she anticipates it and laughs so hard anyways.

Or chasing her everywhere
Laughing as daddy was trying to catch her!
And I was laughing so hard I couldn't even keep her in the frame.. opps haha

Kisses from daddy. One of her favorite things to do lately is to give us kisses. She will kiss you then clap her hands. She knows she did something clever. So now anytime she thinks what she does is cute she will clap. ahah pretty dang cute I tell ya.

So this smile was during the 5 seconds she loved it. After this shot she was DONE.. and let us know.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Parks and Playtime

As the rain is pouring cats and dogs outside. I can't help but look back and enjoy a few pics of the sunny days we've enjoyed playin' at the park...

Her fav part of the outing was.. dumping out all her Cherrios and then putting them back in.
Look at that little cutie patootie :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Last Saturday we took Ava to the Hogle Zoo. This is her 3rd time. The first was when I was about 6 months prego-- so she doesn't remember that one and the second time was last summer. This time I think she enjoyed it alot more since she was way more interested in the animals. Her favorites were the monkeys and giraffs. She would growl at them. It was pretty cute.
In the pic below she was actually enjoying sitting in the lap of this iron gorilla. haha

Making friends with a little monkey.

Dumbo the elephant:)

Big turtle
Strike a pose baby! Looovvvee her SO so much!
This pic is one of my FAVS for sure. Action shot-- we were trying to take her pic seeing how she compared the size of the infant monkey, same size. She was trying to run away from it. SO cute!

We took the train ride around the zoo. It was super short but I guess what did I expect from something that was only $1.50. Little Miss A liked it though.

Overall we had a great time at the zoo. I love my little fam and getting to do fun things. I can't wait for summer. We are gonna live it to the fullest and keep ourselves busy making memories and taking a million pictures along the way!