A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Londyn's Birth Story

Well, Londyn's story is VERY different from Ava's and was much more intense and painful.

My induction was set for Monday July, 23rd- only 3 days before my actual due date on the 26th. And that was mainly, I think, due to the fact that my doctor was out of town the entire week before that since originally he said he would take me a week early. I was so worried about having another big baby. If you remember Miss Ava was 9 lbs. 6 oz- yes a BIG baby. Well i was so determined to go into labor on my own and I really wanted to have her early. And since my dr was gonna be out of town I really wanted to have the baby before he left.

Well that didn't happen. 
At my 38 week appointment I was dialated to a 2, effaced about 80%, and he gave me a Bishop score of 9. ( a score at how effective the induction would be- My score was a 7 with Ava at week 40) So basically a 9 they think you will go into labor on your own. So I was doing everything so I could to go into labor.

I remember leaving work on Friday the 13th and the girls at work all saying I bet you will have her this weekend.  Well Saturday I had alot of contractions, but all irregular but lasted all day, then Sunday I still had alot and started Sunday night they actually started hurting more but were about 20 to 45 minutes apart. Sunday night they hurt and were about 10 to 20 apart. Around 2:30 in the morning they hurt and were about 15 apart but I didn't know if I should go to the hospital. Russell was sound asleep and so was Ava. I didn't want to drag everyone up if I wasn't really in labor. So I called the dr to see what I should do. It wasn't my dr- it was a different one.  He basically said not to go unless they were 5 minutes apart and were so painful I couldn't talk through them. If they weren't then it was just false labor, but if I was concerned to go to the hospital. So I decided it wasn't bad enough and just tried to go to sleep. The next morning I called my dr's office. My doctor was out of town by this point but I talked to his nurse, and she knows me from all my visits and I trust her opinon much more than the random doctor I had spoken with the night before. She said based on how consist my contractions had been over the weekend that I should go to the hospital right away to be checked out just to make sure everything was okay. She said that I could have a high pain tolerence so not to base if they are real or not just based on pain. Well. at this point the contractions were 20 to 25 minutes apart and uncomfortable but I could handle it. Well, I decided to take a shower and get ready, pack my hospital bag, Ava's overnight bag, charge the cameras. etc and get everything all ready. I was hoping that since I was already 38 and a half weeks they may just induce me since I was already having so many contractions. Well, in the back of my head I was realistically thinking, that this was probably just a waste of time since they probably wouldn't admit me and my contractions weren't close enough together. It was about 4pm by the time I was ready to go. I felt that I was probably fine to drive myself but to be on the safe side called my mom and had her take me. Russ was at work and told him that if the hospital took me that he could come down, but that if they sent me home I didn't want him to have to leave work for nothing since I knew he was super busy that day.

So I got to the hospital, they hooked me up and checked me.... I was still only a 2. I was SO frustrated. All that contracting over the weekend and nothing! I hadn't gone to work that day since I was contracting and in the back of my mind I was thinking, "I don't want to go back to work tomorrow and have another false alarm." I know that's so dumb haha but I just really thought I would have her this weekend. The nurse told me they would monitor my contractions for a hour to see if they would keep me. The contractions hurt and were about 5 to 7 apart. My mom stayed with me and would watch the monitor showing the contractions. She would ask me how I felt. I told her they hurt pretty bad. My mom said that she never would have guessed that based on the way I acted. I guess I didn't show my pain at all. So apparently I have a high pain tolerence. I just don't show it through my face. I guess I hide it pretty well even the hurse would ask me my pain level 1 to 10. She was impressed that I acted so calm. Well at the end of the hour the contractions were hurting more and more but I was still a 2. But she said the baby was lower than before and I was effeced more. She said the contractions were doing something but not enough to keep me. She could tell how frustrated I was, so she said the dr said I could walk around the hospital for the next hour and they would check me and If I progressed by at least 1 cm they would keep me.

My mom said she had to go run some errands so I called russ and told him to come get me in 1 hour. I figured either he could just take me home or stay with me based on what happened. SO there I was SOO determed to progress. I was speedwalking around those hallways, in my hospital gown and flip flips... motivated... doing squats every little while and going up and down the stairs. And the last 15 minutes the contractions were SOOO painful. It was getting harder and harder to not show the emotion and pain though my facial expressions. I was walking past nurses and doctors and visitors and random hospital workers.. It is silly but I didn't want to seem dramatic with my pain. But they hurt... and honestly I wanted it to hurt...the more it hurt the more likely that I was in real labor. I almost though it was all in my head, was I just imagining the pain since I wanted to be done so badly?

Finally the hour was up. I waddled back to my room very uncomfortable and in pain. The nurse checked me. I had progressed and was now 3 1/2 and about 100% effaiced. She said I was borderline so she called the doctor. By this time Russell was there with me. I told him the pain was so bad I don't think I could survive at home to deal with this all night until I was 5 minutes apart without an epidural. Now it hurt and I was trying to hold back tears. I HATE crying in front of people. I didn't want her pity I just wanted to have this baby. She told me that the doctor decided not to keep me. Are you kidding me?? The contractions were killing me.
She said that they could give me a morphine shot for the pain.
Basically the point of that was if the contractions were real the drug would help by helping take the edge off and help me sleep tonight (it was about 8:30pm now) but I would still feel pain but if it wasn't real contractions then the drug would take away all the pain and I would know it was just braxton hicks. I knew it was real but I don't think the nurse belived me. She said that the drugs wouldn't hurt the baby and just make her sleepy if anything. That was a concern of mine. But next to that I was really worried about NOT feeling the pain. Does that make since? If they take away from the contractions then what if I don't know I'm in labor and don't get to the hospital in time to get the epidural and have the baby. The nurse said not to worry and that I would know if I was in labor and by then the drugs would have worn off. So I got the shot and felt better right away but still felt pain. Like she said it would just take the edge off the pain. So I told Russ I was starving and wanted a yummy strawberry shake, fries with fry sauce all the fatty foods I have been avoiding. I felt like it had been a rough night to say the least and the drugs were making me not care I just wanted to eat. (and based on how the next 12 hours would be I am beyond glad I did).  So  we went and picked up Ava and headed home. We were all tired so we just went right to bed when we got home. Which was about 10pm. I was so tired from the drugs and I slept hard, and painfree for 6 hours.

I woke up at 3:54am in SOOO much pain. Well I guess the drugs had officially worn off by then and I knew that I was in real labor. I started timing my contractions using notepad on my iphone. 3:54, 4:08, 4:29, 4:39, 4:44, 4:56, 5, 5:07, 5:14, etc. They lasted about 60 seconds and were pure HELL. The most pain I have ever had. I though I was going to die. And no position I could sit, stand, lay would ease the intensity. I crawled downstairs to suffer by myself. I didn't want to wake up Russ till I was ready to go to the hospital. It was weird because in between the contractions I felt fine, great, almost eurphoric.. It was the worst pain of my life during the contraction then the most relaxed and perfect during the 5 to 9 minutes in between. So I called my mom between one of the "breaks" letting her know to plan on us dropping off Ava sometime in the next couple hours. I told her I was waiting until they were 5 minutes apart till I would go. I didn't want to have to lay on that uncomfortable hospital bed in this much pain only for them to tell me I hadn't progressed enough. Well around 6 am I was literally crying in pain. I couldn't take it anymore. We all have our pain max, our pain limit and I had officially reached mine. I woke up Russ and was doubled over on the floor of our bedroom screaming and crying. Which of course freaked him out. He told me we had to go to the hospital right then. I told him they weren't 5 minutes apart so I didn't want to go yet. He told me that the nurse had said if the pain was unbearable to come back even if they weren't 5 minutes apart.

I had somehow forgot that part...

He said he had never in all the years he's known me seen me in that much pain and we had to go he was worried. So within a few minutes he threw everything in the car( I was glad I had backed everything the day before) and my mom showed up to stay with Ava.

I was literally crawling to the car. The pain was beyond what I can describe. And I had this intense urge to pee, but I hadn't drunk anything, and everytime I would try i would hurt even more and nothing would come out. So wieird..
Russell was speeding as fast as he could, running red lights... he was afraid the baby was gonna come on the way there.

I was screaming.. it was seriously like a dramatic delivery from a movie.

Nothing like what I had with Ava. So we get to the hospital which is in orem so was like a 20 minute drive he got there in like 14 minutes. He gets a wheelchair to wheel me in-

I can't even think about walking at this point.

The contractions are about 3 minutes apart. I am checked into a room and he leaves to park the car.
Then nothing....

No nurse came to check on me ..........
and I am on the hospital bed bawling my eyes out!!!

 Russ gets back just a couple minutes later wondering why has no one helped me yet. I told him I just can't take it anymore....
Help me... please HELP ME!

He was freeking out and then the nurses are come in (now its about 7 am).
The nurse waits until my contractuion ends and then checks me... all I am thinking is I better be more than a 2 now. Well after she checks me she doesn't tell me what I am. she starts talking to the other nurses and everything is happening so fast.
She asks me if I planned on having a epidural, "YES of course! Why... what was I?"
"Your a 9. The baby is coming now! Its too late for an epidural. But if you want we can get you a spinal for the pain."
Are you kidding me!! I'm already a 9??!! This was my biggest fear that I wouldn't make it in time for the epidural but I did NOT want to go natural so I told them "yes" on the spinal... obviously!

This all was happening so fast.
Literally within a couple minutes of her checking me I was transfered to the next room and was getting prepped for delivery. So many people and instrements. I was in so much pain and now I knew why.
The nurse told me that the only thing keeping that baby in me was my strong water bag. She said if that would have broke I would've had the baby at home or in the car on the drive over.

Seriously??!! Oh my gosh that would've been awful.

As I lay there in pain I remember the sweet nurse helping me through my contractions. Telling me how to breath, counting with me. I put my feet on the bed, knees up and she told Russ to push towards me as I was breathing through the contractions. It was actually helping. It was like magic. Thats when the doctor showed up and so did the anastisiologist... also magic.

 I was SOO lucky that the anestialogest was already at the hospital and was there to give me my spinal within 5 minutes of her asking me if I wanted one. Within a minute of getting the spinal I felt better.

First thing the doctor broke my water. Apparently the baby didn't like that and the heart rate dropped dramatically... and I went from a 9 cm to a 7.. The water bag was bulging out of me holding me open. They said that's why I had to feel like peeing. That was the baby wanting me to start pushing.. So glad I didn't push her out at home..

So now I am a 7.. the problem is now that the spinal block only lasts for 2 hours and I did NOT want to feel the pain of labor so now we are on a time limit. The doctor was concerned about the heartrate of the baby.... ( now I was afraid I was getting a c-section) so they didn't want to give me any pitocin if the baby was stressed out or it would end up with a c-section. So they hoped I would progress to a 10 on my own. Well 10 minutes later I was still a 7. But baby was doing better so they gave me just a little pitocin. And left me to progress.

About 5 minutes later I started feeling pain in my lower abdoman. I was surprised since I though the drugs were suppose to take away the pain.

The spinal was wearing off... it had already been over a hour since they gave it to me. The nurse checked me.

I am now a 10... baby is coming.... now!

So where is the doctor...

The doctor who was taking care of me earlier, is now in surgury and can't come. So they have to find another doctor.. They tell me to not push yet. The pain is getting worse. I can feel the presure of the baby's head and the contractions hurt now. I asked for meds. But they tell me its too late now and anything they give me will cross the placenta and affect the baby and labor.. So all I want now is to get this baby OUT OF ME!!
 If I am gonna feel this I want to get it over with.

They find the doctor in what feels like forever but its only been about 5 minutes.

And they let me push. I can feel my contractions so I know when I push. It hurts so bad. But I am still numb in some places, I can't feel my legs and and some parts down low
but I CAN feel the contractions and the baby dropping lower and lower and going through the birth canal and it HURTTTT!!

Seriously I don't know why anyone would opt to go drug free. So I just wanted to be done. I forgot my breathing at this point and I just was in pain. I only pushed 4 times and 11 minutes later my sweet, perfect baby Londyn was here. She was born at 9:01am , 7 lbs- 7 oz, and 19 1/2 in.

While I was pushing her out it was alot of pain and then a release and I could feel her come out and the presure was gone. But there was still pain, then the after birth and placenta has to come out and the doctor had to push on my stomach to get that out. OUCH!! I think that was worse than the actual birth of the baby. It felt like I was being gutted with a hook. SOOO painful. Now they could give me drugs though, the baby was out. So they loaded me up on morphine as the doctor started sewing me up. Apparently baby's big head did some damage on on the out. At least I didn't feel the sewing. And I was distracted by my perfect little girl in my arms.

After all that drama and pain....

here in my arms, was this amazing, gorgeous, gift from heaven... pure perfection... and at that moment it was all worth it. All 9 months of sickness, and days of contractions. We finally had baby here!

I was so happy, my heart grew in that moment... bigger, stronger... I now had two girls... two amazing daughters that I loved. And not one more that the other but loved both.. I was so happy.. so happy to finally have her here. I was ready to start the rest of my life.. my life with my wonderful husband and our 2 girls. And feelling so grateful to be done, grateful to have made it to the hospital on time, grateful to Russell for making me come to the hospital when I wouldv've waited at home longer. And if I would have.. Russ would have delivered our baby... at home or curbside of state.  So I am so grateful he got me to the hospital on time.

Within a hour after having her I could feel my legs and was up walking to the bathroom within a half hour of that. They had the IV out of me before noon. The recovery was so much faster. I only stayed 1 night in the hospital and we went home the next day at noon. They said since me and baby were both so healthy and doing great we didn't need to stay the 2nd night if we didn't want to. And I didn't want to. I wanted to be home, I wanted to be with my family.. with Ava and start life..

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Welcome baby...

Londyn Juliet Child
7 lbs 7 oz
19 1/2 inches long
Born on Tuesday, July 17th @ 9:01am

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Random ramblings

Just thinking today about relationships. Maybe it's due to my pregnancy hormones... I cried watching 101 Dalmatians with Ava last night.. Seriously??! Yes i am a bit crazy. Most country songs make me bawl if they are about love or relationships about kids and being a parent.

They say 50% of marriages end in divorce or even higher in Utah. I didn't use to believe it but over the last few years I notice that at least half of my friends and family fall into that statistic. It seems widely accepted that almost every hollywood marriage falls apart and that's sad but just a part of their world but now i am seeing it's all around me. Relationships that seem stable are crumbling. Every time I hear of another friend going though a separation or divorce i cant help but put myself in their shoes.... How would I feel or deal in their situation. Because with all of these people you know that at one point they were happy and in love and wanted a life together. So
What happened to change that. I know every circumstance is different and I am not judging it just makes me sad. Every time this convo comes up between Russ and I we talk about how lucky we are. We are so lucky to have a strong relationship and marriage. We always know we will be there for each other no mAtter what. We aren't perfect but we are real and say what we mean so it's all out there. We have seen each other at our very best and our very worst and that only makes us stronger. We got married young and I know a lot of people around us thought we wouldn't last. But we have and are stronger than ever. I love him so much and can't believe in less than 2,weeks we will have another little baby. Time flies when you are surrounded by real love :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012


So the fact that I am so so behind on blogging I thought I should just do some of the highlights over the last few months.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

30 weeks

So here I am in all my prego glory... Belly is getting bigger and I am so ready for the baby to be here and to not be pregnant anymore.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tot Soccer

Ava started her tot soccer league last Saturday. It was the cutest thing ever to watch! Her soccer team is co-ed 3 and 4 yr olds. But she is the youngest on the team and only 2 other girls and 7 little boys on the team. Ava loves all the extra attention and loves playing with the boys. Ava is super coordinated and keeps up great with the team. Tonight is the first competing game against the other teams. I can't wait to watch. The little kids are so funny to watch since none of them get the rules they just all chase the ball and aim for the net.

The coach is so sweet with the kids and they all love him. At the beginning of practice he asks how many of them know how to play soccer. It was do funny to watch the kids all look at each other not sure then one boy raised his hand and they all did after that. All us parents on the sidelines look at each other a laugh since we know none of out little tots know how to
Play the game. Little kids are so funny!
Below are some pics from practice and after I got her a yummy "ice cone" as she calls it. And she was fast asleep by the time we got home. I don't know why the pics are out of order. Oh well..

Thursday, April 19, 2012


We had a great Easter this year. I would say one of my favorites even!

We took Ava to the mall to meet the Easter bunny
Below is Ava at our neighborhood egg hunt.mshe had so much fun with her little friends.
Here is the new easel I nought her. She is obsessed with it. One side is a white board and the other is a blackboard. She loves to write her name all over and practice all her alphabet.
Another one at the egg hunt.
Here us Miss A and her friend Lily right before the Cedar Hills egg hunt. It was pure craziness and she was so overwhelmed by all the crazy parents that she didn't even grab any eggs, so I grabbed her a couple.
Below is her in her cute new Easter dress from her Grandma Wadley.
And this is her before the city hunt. All these pics are out of order for some reason.
This was on Easter Sunday after church we gave he all her Easter goodies. She got lots of toys and candy.
Her are our adventures at the city hunt.
Her and her BFF Emery.

Enjoying all her candy from the hunt.

Me and my fav girl at the mall on the merry go round the week before eastermwhen we met the bunny.
So we had so much fun this year. Lots of fun stuff. We hadn't yummy Easter dinner at my parents house on Easter Sunday will my brother And his fam and my sis and her fam. Ava's cousins even hid eggs for her to find. It's so crazy to think that next Easter I will have 2 kids..... Wow

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bye Bye Bunny

So we have had our little bunny for a bit over a month. And it was fun while it lasted but it was only meant to be temporary. So we finally said goodbye to bunny FooFoo on Monday night. It was last minute I found out the lady was stopping by to pick it up. Ava was taking a nap and she didn't want to wake up when the lady got here. So when Ava woke up later on and realized the bunny was gone she was really upset.... And asked me with tears streaming down hr face, "oh no bunny gone... Where did bunny go?" so I told her......

"the bunny went to go live with Snow White in the enchanted forest..."
Then we watched The part of the movie where Snow White is singing with the white bunnies. I told her, " see there that's our happy bunny with her friends." Ava seemed to accept this. It made total since I mean who wouldn't want to live with Snow white? Right??
Ava would want to that's for sure.
When daddy got home from work she had to explain to daddy where bunny went and told him not to be sad since the bunny loves Snow White.

Now I just need to come up with a good story to get rid of her binkys..... any thoughts???

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ultrasound pics

These are the pics they sent home with us after the Ultrasound on Thursday. Since the tech was having issues with their new equipment he gave us free 3D images of our baby. It was amazing. I have only had the 2D ones before with Ava and so I was seriously blown away with how detailed the 3D/4D images of our baby. I mean look how cute she is. It shows her features, her little nose (just like Ava's) her lips... everything. It makes me even more anxious for her to get here and meet her face to face. I love you baby Londyn!

Friday, March 2, 2012

We are having a.......

GIRL!!! I am beyond excited. I think everyone expected me to want a boy this time since I already have a girl but I honestly wanted a girl. I mean don't misunderstand I would have been happy to have one of each but I prefer to have to little girls. Having Ava has been a dream come true for me she is my living doll. I love everything about having a little girl and so I just wanted another one. I guess cuz I am a girl I just understand them better I would be so lost with a boy. On a side note I think this will be our last baby. Yes, yes I only want 2 kids. I realize I live in Utah and am somehow expected to want 5 kids at least but thats just not me. We will more than have out hands full with 2 little girls running around.... Ooooo I love the sound of that

Twoooo little girls!

Anyway the ultrasound was yesterday and Russell and Ava came with me so we would all find out the gender as a
Family. We were in there for over a hour... It was only suppose to be 30 minutes but they had this new equipment and the tech guy didn't know how to use it.

Ya the tech stressed me out. He kept thinking something was wrong or whatever but the other tech would be like no its just the angle. So i am so happy we have a perfectly heathy little baby girl brewing in my belly. Even tho the guy tech told us it was a boy at first. In his defense baby was in a weird position and he was just guessing based on that.

Our baby was so active the whole time flipping and moving the tech had the hardest time getting all the measurements. And the baby did not want us to she what she was. She had her foot between her legs and was hugging my placenta. The tech kept shaking my belly to get her to move. She hated that. Finally a different tech came in and baby must have known cuz she was so cooperative with the lady tech. She knew what she was doing and told us it was a girl and was 100% sure.

So it's a girl and..... We picked a name

Londyn (London)
We are still deciding on a middle name
But right now I love Juliet for a middle name so...

Londyn Juliet Child

But it's not for sure or the spelling of the first name we may spell it London. Who knows?? I still have 5 months to figure it out. Little baby kicks ALL the time! And likes American Idol haha. Ya whenever Russ and I are watching it baby kicks up a storm. Funny baby.

Can't wait to meet our new little munchkin!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pregnant brain

There is something about being pregnant that makes me so forgetful. There is real science behind this widely accepted idea.. Not that I know anything more than that about it. I
Don't know if it was the same with my first pregnancy.. Haha I can't remember. But this time it is pretty bad. I forget everything... I couldn't remember my age when a girl at work asked me, I always forget what I a, looking for when I walk into a room and today I was getting gas and started to drive off while it was still hooked to my car pumping gas! Seriously?! Yes I am losing it.

I start pumping gas, get back in the car, sit there for a few minutes wonder why I am still sitting there, turn on my car and start pulling out of the stall...... Then I here a POP. And I realized oh wait I wasn't done.... So I back up to assess the damage. At first i thought my car was gonna blow up or the pump. I had no idea. But when I picked up the hose it was still at attached to the pump and the screen was reading"thank you for your purchase" so it obviously figured out I was done. I was so embarrassed hope no one noticed and drove off. At least nothing broke. I think I am gonna have my husband fill the car with gas from now on.... Or at least until I make it to the Land of Oz to get me a brain from the wizard...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy birthday Ava

I can't believe I now have a 3 yr old! She is growing up so fast and she is so smart and funny. She goes to preschool and can write her name and count to 10 and knows her alphabet! I am so proud of her.
For her 3rd birthday party I had a million ideas but being pregnant I didn't have the energy or motivation to carry out any of them. So we decided to do a little friend party at Kangaroo Zoo, agin indoor bounce house place. It turned out perfect and Ava had the time of hr life. And I didn't have to stress myself over the party this year and that was pretty good too.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The bunny...

We have a new little friend at our house... A little white fluffy bunny rabbit! His name is foo foo. We inherited this guy from my sis-in-law and her fan who just moved out of state. Ava is loving her new friend!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Baby blog

If you want to check out my baby blog it is childbabynumbertwo.blogspot.com

Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby #2

So i am officially announcing that we are expecting baby #2 on July 26!!!

Today I am 14 weeks along. This pregnancy has been so much different than the first time. I basically knew I was pregnant from the first day.. I have just been so in tune with everything this time around I took the preg test when I was a out 2 weeks along which was mid November and have been so so sick for the past 12 weeks. I am just starting to feel better over the past couple days. It has been so hard to keep this big news to myself. Hah I just wanted to shout it from the rooftops. I have started a another blog to track this pregnancy and I will link it up to here if anyone wants to see it. I want to remember how I feel and all the little details and pics of the growing belly along the way so I will document all that stuff on my other blog, oh and we find out in 5 weeks what we are having.

We are so thrilled to be having another little baby.