A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pregnant brain

There is something about being pregnant that makes me so forgetful. There is real science behind this widely accepted idea.. Not that I know anything more than that about it. I
Don't know if it was the same with my first pregnancy.. Haha I can't remember. But this time it is pretty bad. I forget everything... I couldn't remember my age when a girl at work asked me, I always forget what I a, looking for when I walk into a room and today I was getting gas and started to drive off while it was still hooked to my car pumping gas! Seriously?! Yes I am losing it.

I start pumping gas, get back in the car, sit there for a few minutes wonder why I am still sitting there, turn on my car and start pulling out of the stall...... Then I here a POP. And I realized oh wait I wasn't done.... So I back up to assess the damage. At first i thought my car was gonna blow up or the pump. I had no idea. But when I picked up the hose it was still at attached to the pump and the screen was reading"thank you for your purchase" so it obviously figured out I was done. I was so embarrassed hope no one noticed and drove off. At least nothing broke. I think I am gonna have my husband fill the car with gas from now on.... Or at least until I make it to the Land of Oz to get me a brain from the wizard...

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