A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

County Fair

Last Saturday we went to the Utah County Fair. Once of my friends had a purse booth set up so we decided to go say hi and check out what the Fair had to offer. None of us had ever been to one. I have been to carnivals and rodeos but this was like all of that mushed together with more animals and chickens. Ava's favorite part was the barn that had all the prize winning livestock in it. So that's where all these pics were taken. Maybe we will start making this a tradition and go every year ;)

Ava loved the sheep and the sheep were actually really brave around people and would go right us to us and let themselves be pet. Unlike my dad's sheep they are so skidish and run away when we try to go up to them. They only like my dad I guess.
Ava and I had spent all day at the pool so she was SOO tired that night by the time we got to the fair so she wasn't her spunky happy little self (and looks half asleep in these shots).

She loves the sheep and says "baaaa"
I'm not sure why some of the pics are so spotty. Maybe the dust? haha here I was worried the cow was gonna kick me. Russ kept joking saying they were about to. Luckily no one got kicked :)

Gimmie a kiss.. muahhh

Carnivals, fairs and rodeos are summertime here in Utah. So now that they are all over it is feeling more and more like fall. Goodbye summer days... bring on the fall weather and the holiday seasons up ahead!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I heart Weddings

Saturday we attended Russell's cousin's wedding. They did a ring ceremony and dinner in Alpine before the reception. It was so beautiful and I love going to weddings. It reminds me of when Russ and I did. We left Ava with my mom for the dinner part and then picked her up after to bring her to the reception. So it was fun to just be me and Russ for a little date. We got all dressed up and it was great to hang out with all his family and relatives. I really am so lucky to have such awesome in-laws! After the wedding we were driving to pick up Ava and Russell told me how lucky he is to be with me and how much he loves me! I feel the same about him. Every day I am just so incredibly grateful that we found each other! Life is so perfect with him!

Here is a picture taken 7 years ago at our wedding. The wonderful moment when they announced us man and wife .. you may kiss the bride! I love weddings and since I will only have one of my own I love to attend other peoples weddings as a refresher of our own vows.

Russ and I at the dinner on Saturday.
Later on at the reception with Ava.

The event was held at the Alpine Art Center and so there was all these statues. Ava was so interested in them. Right before I took the pic she actually kissed the moose on the nose. It was so cute but I missed it with the camera and she wouldn't do it again.
This totally looks like the statue is going to hug her. haha

Earlier that day before the wedding we decided to spend the day at the pool since it was a nice day and Russ had the day off. It was so fun as always!

I thought this one was funny. Ava has finally discovered her shadow and sometimes will follow it around. I'm not sure what she is thinking about her. Maybe telling it to go away? haha who knows. She is such a funny little girl. I can't believe she is already 18 months old. SO old wow she is no longer a little baby but a full fledged toddler. She even goes to nursery now (and LOVES it). I really need to post her stats and more about that maybe later.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Campfire & my little fam

We try and go up the canyon at least once a week to take advantage of this beautiful place and the summertime weather. We went all out tin foil dinners and all. It was SOO yummy! It was my first time ever making them. I wish I would've taken a pic to document oh well.. maybe next time.
Yep he's mine... all mine! Love you baby :)

Ava was so funny running around and would fall in the dirt. She hates being dirty. She is such a little girly girl. Love her!!

So um let me explain Russell's overly animated face in this one. He's trying to get Ava to look at the camera. Obviously it didn't work. haha but I just had to post it anyways. Shows his funny personality. I sure do love that man of mine ;0