A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Random ramblings

Just thinking today about relationships. Maybe it's due to my pregnancy hormones... I cried watching 101 Dalmatians with Ava last night.. Seriously??! Yes i am a bit crazy. Most country songs make me bawl if they are about love or relationships about kids and being a parent.

They say 50% of marriages end in divorce or even higher in Utah. I didn't use to believe it but over the last few years I notice that at least half of my friends and family fall into that statistic. It seems widely accepted that almost every hollywood marriage falls apart and that's sad but just a part of their world but now i am seeing it's all around me. Relationships that seem stable are crumbling. Every time I hear of another friend going though a separation or divorce i cant help but put myself in their shoes.... How would I feel or deal in their situation. Because with all of these people you know that at one point they were happy and in love and wanted a life together. So
What happened to change that. I know every circumstance is different and I am not judging it just makes me sad. Every time this convo comes up between Russ and I we talk about how lucky we are. We are so lucky to have a strong relationship and marriage. We always know we will be there for each other no mAtter what. We aren't perfect but we are real and say what we mean so it's all out there. We have seen each other at our very best and our very worst and that only makes us stronger. We got married young and I know a lot of people around us thought we wouldn't last. But we have and are stronger than ever. I love him so much and can't believe in less than 2,weeks we will have another little baby. Time flies when you are surrounded by real love :)

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