A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fantastic Fives

5 Things I’m passionate about:
1- my hubby
2- Lucky, my little dog
3- scrapbooking
4- decorating
5- photography

5 words/ phrases that I use often:
1- awesome
2- I love you
3- ya for sure
4- for real
5- seriously

5 things I want to do before I die:
1- go skydiving
2- have 3 kids
3- start and successfully run my own business
4-travel around the world
5- anchor a live broadcast on the evening news

5 things I’ve learned in the past:
1- nothing is worth losing a friend over
2- never go to bed angry at someone you love
3- old dogs can learn new tricks
4- no one is all bad you just have to keep looking to find their good
5- not to cry over anyone who wouldn’t cry over me

5 things I currently want/need:
1- more closet space
2- to not have to work
3- to have the baby and be over with the pregnancy
4- more $$$
5- a diamond necklace

5 places I want to see/visit:
1- Egypt- Russ has never been and I want to show him where I grew up
2- Italy
3- New York
4- New Zealand
5- Tahiti

5 TV shows I can’t live without:
1- Gossip Girl
2- 90210- The new one
3- The Hills
4- The Girls Next Door
5- Project Runway

5 Things that happened yesterday:
1- Russ and I went to a Utah Flash basketball game
2- Russ caught the ball that the mascot threw into the stands
3-I heard our baby girl’s heartbeat again at the monthly dr appt
4- I remembered I left my Favorite flip flops at my sisters house in Nebraska
5- I was able to fill up my SUV up with premium gas for only $32

5 Things I look forward to:
1- having a baby girl
2- not being prego anymore!
3- No more maternity clothes, or stretched waisted pants
4- being able to eat sushi and drink Dr Pepper!!
5- finally being able to sleep on my stomach with out my big belly getting in the way

5 Things I love about winter:
1- Christmas
2- Sunday drives through the snowy canyon
3- watching Lucky play in the deep snow
4- cute scarves and gloves
5- snuggling up to Russell to keep warm

5 People I Tag:
1- Alisha
2- Casey
3- Emily
4- Brandy
5- Angela

1 comment:

Casey said...

You grew up in Egypt?! Why did I not know this?! And you tagged me! Yay