A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Overview of 2012

Well another year has come and gone and here I sit reflecting on how I have changed and grown because of it. 2012 was amazing but very difficult. It has been one of the hardest years thus far in my adult life. I have lost close friends, went through a rough pregnancy, and an impossible delivery. I took care of an extremely needy newborn which lead to many sleepless nights all while my little Ava went though her own jealously issues and dramatic meltdowns. I was pushed to my limits on more than one occasion. But thought all the tough times I have also experienced some of the best highs and amazing moments. I had a sweet baby girl and despite the worst physical pain I was able to deliver the most beautiful perfect child. l was able to stand up for myself in tough situations that in the past I would have bowed out of. I got a new job and thrived in it. I have been able to practice love and patience when it would have been easier to walk away. Motherhood this year has brought me my highest joys and my deepest struggles. I have learned a lot about myself and what I can push through and it has given me more faith in myself and what I can achieve when I really try. My eyes have been open to see the truth in many friends and family around me. My roll and purpose in life has changed more than anything.

I gave up a job working away from my children, to being a stay-at-home mother and all that it entails. I feel like I have a closer relationship to Ava and I overall feel like a much better mother and wife. I feel like 2012 is a year that forced me to grow up, to be responsible and self-dependant. Being a mother of two is so much more difficult than I ever expected it to be. I love my little girls more than all the stars in the sky and fish in the sea. They teach me so though their love and innocence. But I don’t know if I could do it again, but I guess I will have to wait and see where life takes us.

And of course through all of me:  thick and thin, pregnant and big, emotional and at times a bit crazy- I was reminded time and time again how lucky I am to have such an incredibly loving, compassionate and patient husband who has always stuck by my side and supported me, held my hand though the hard times and always keeps me laughing and not letting me take myself too seriously. I love him so much. I don’t know how he balances everything. He has such a demanding job and works all hours, yet never complaining. He’s always happy to take the kids off my hands, do the grocery shopping or a night out with my girlfriends even after working a long day in order to give me a break. Every day I thank the Lord for blessing me with Russell in my life. His is my love, my rock and I am so happy to share my life with this amazing man.

2012 has been a year of lots of memories, a million photos, lots of laughter, new friends and at the end of the year I wouldn’t change one thing. The truth is I wouldn’t be who I am today without all the ups and all the downs I had. I only look forward to 2013 with my head held high excited for what is in store for me and my little family. Because all that really matters is the love in our hearts and the people we surround ourselves with. BRING ON THE NEW YEAR!!! CHEERS ;)

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