A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's about that time..

...to start potty training Ava.

We have a little potty for her and every day before bath time, while she is already naked I have her sit down on it and tell her to "go potty". She thinks it is so fun to sit on it like a big girl. But she never actually goes potty in it. I was just trying to introduce her to it so she knows it's hers and get comfortable with the concept.

Last night before her bath as usual I had her sit on it while I went to go grab her jammies for after her bath. While I was out she slammed the door shut, for privacy of course, and when I got back she was still sitting down with a worried look on her face. I asked her if she was all done and she stood up and pointed in her potty. I was pleasantly surprised to see she had gone pee pee in her potty. I mean not to be overly detailed but it was a full blatter amount in there. Which means she was holding it in until she got on her potty. Ava gave me a worried look like she wasn't sure if she did something naughty. Of course I was so proud of her and clapped and praised her for being such a big girl to go pee pee in the potty. This was her very first time. I didn't even realize she really understood the concept before last night but obviously she does and is ready to be done with diapers. I didn't realize until now what a pivotal time this is. She is no longer a baby, she is growing up. Sad but happy at the same time. So now I need to buckle down and jump full force into full on potty training my little Miss Ava. Wish me luck!
Any of you mommys out there have any advice for me? Suggestions?

1 comment:

Dave and Nanette said...

That is exciting. Good luck:)