A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Preschool Graduation and Dance Recital

My sweet little 4 year old had her ballet recital the day after Memorial Day. She did so AMAZING and it was so fun to watch her. She LOVES to dance.

These first couple pics were right when I dropped her off backstage. She was so happy and cute!

 So bummed this is blurry. We filmed the whole thing too but I wanted to get stillshot... it didn't work so well. 

After the performance she was tired and NOT at all in the mood for pics. Her dance studio did 3 different performance times. Ava was in the late one. So by the time it ended it was around 8pm and she was exhausted and coming off the sugar high from all the treats backstage. So she didn't want to hold her flowers or pose for photos. Both sets of her grandparents came, as well as her Aunt Kim. It really means alot to me to have family support my daughter! I am seriously so blessed with a great family- including my amazing in-laws!
This last pic says it all, she was tired and ONLY wanted her daddy. She has always been a daddy's girl. So sweet :)

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