A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Princess Pageant

So last Friday I was randoming looking up info on Cornbelly's to find some fun fall activites to do as a fam. Well I came across the Pumpkin Princess Pageant which was the next day. I have always wanted to put Miss A in one just to try it out and see how she did and if she would like it. I am NOT one of those crazy pageant moms nor do I want to be. But I thought why not try her out to see. So VERY last minute I found her a costume (all of which we already had) and told her about it and she seemed excited. Russ had to work the next day so it was just me and Ava to go do this thing.

Ava did AMAZING! She was so brave. They had all the kids stand in line and I had to write a bio before hand and email it in to the contest. So as she was led on stage by one of the charachters there they read out her bio to the croud and did a Q & A session with her. It was SO funny and so adorable. She would answer their questions in her sweet little voice and was hamming it up for the croud. SO adorable. I am so glad I filmed it. Russ loved it.

Ava loved parading her cute dress on the stage and was loving all the attention. I must say this child of mine has NO fear. She has so much confidance and poise. I feel so lucky to be her mom. She was the youngest one in the pageant and the judges favorite. They had Miss Utah, Miss Lehi and the Pumpkin Queen in charge. They all were fussing over her and she got the Judges Favorite Pick award.

Here she is waiting in line. She was so patient. She was more mature than the 4 and 5 year olds. Ava is seriously perfect at stuff like this.

I did her hair since it was to last minute to have it done. I got alot of compliments on it. Ava wore the crown so well too.

Me and my little Pumpkin Princess.

Here is everyone in the pageant.

At the end Ava wouldn't look forward for the pics. She was way to interested in everyone else around her and all the girly dresses.

After it was over I changed her close and we had fun playing at Cornbelly's and all their events. I was so impressed with how Ava did at the pageant. I had no idea if she would be shy and refuse to go on stage to how she would react. But she did awesome. Ava is a natural in front of a crowd. I plan on putting her in more things for sure!

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