A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Utah State Fair

A couple weeks ago we decide to enjoy our Saturday afternoon petting the animals, riding rides and enjoying yummy food at the State Fair. Ava loved it and so did we. We are making quite a tradition out of it now.

Here is Ava riding the pony. She loved it!

Looking at the ponies.

He loved all the animals

Haha :)

She loved all the lambs, my parents have a bunch of sheep and new lambs every spring so she already loves and trusts these animals.

The guy in the stables let Ava go inside the cage to feed the lamb one-on-one.

With the goats, I told Ava to smile and then had camera issues. This is her faded, "hurry and just take the picture" smile.

The "little Hands on the farm" event. Ava always loves this part. They get a basket and apron and get to plant the veggies, and pick what they grow.. all things real farmers do. Grandpa Wadley would be so proud of her :)

Checking her basket.


Planting her seeds.

Picking the veggies she planted.

Pure happiness :)

Driving the tractor. She can ride a tricycle but turning it in the sharp circle was a bit harder.

Brushing the sheep.

We had a great time at the fair! A perfect family afternoon!

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