A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Better Late Than Never... Easter!

So I haven't been up to blogging par as of late. I will try better. Here are some of the highlights from Easter weekend!

I took Miss A to the Cedar Hills Easter egg hunt! She only grabbed 4 eggs. I think she was a big overwhelmed with the tons and tons of kids everywhere.

We met up with my sis-in-law Becky and her cute kiddos there. Ava LOVES her cousins, especially little Ethan.

After we went to the park to play and eat the candy we just got.

Then we headed over to the Fire Dept. They were having a fun meet and greet event.

Ava got to spray the fire hose! SOO cute!

I was so proud she was into it!

Ahhh isn't she the cutest thing ever!

Cool random pic!

I wanted her to try on the gear and take a pic but since she wanted NOTHING to do with it. I did instead! It was super heavy! But a really cool experience!

Miss Ava on the front of the Fire Truck.

I like this one :)

Easter morning! Ava got a bunch of toys and candy. I forgot to take a pic of the stuff I got her. (Lets just say the husband was on camera duty. And that wasn't something he thought was picture worthy haha)

I am the Nursery leader and it was my week to teach so I made this cute bunny cupcakes for my class.

Then after church we headed over to my parents house for our traditional Easter dinner. A bunch of my family came from out of town. My mom always makes a big deal out of Easter and an amazing dinner for us all! Miss Ava looked so cute in her new Easter dress!

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