A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Little A and the Binky

Okay, so at the hospital the nurses couldn't get Little A to take a binky. But me and Russ kept trying and for a few short days she would take it after alot of encouragment. This was very short lived. Now no more binky. Everytime we try to get her to take it she tightens her lips together and gets so mad. We've tryed everything but nope she's not into it anymore. How very sad for us. It was nice to be able to give her a binky when we she would get fussy in the car or when we had vistors over- times when I can't be nursing her. But it's like now she understands that no milk comes out of the binky she wants NOTHING to do with it! Any of you with babies out there have any suggestions on how to get Little A to take the bink again? I really REALLY want her to take one. Here is a pic of her during the few days she was willing to take one. Even here she looks annoyed..


Lisa Harradine said...

I use to hold the binky in Tavia's mouth while I bounced her up and down. She loves it now but at first she didn't like it either. I would also try different types of binkies that have different nipples. Tavia loves the ortho kind. Good Luck!

Casey said...

hahaha i used to love binkys when i was a baby. i sucked on one till i was like 3.

Sarah Wells said...

Yeah, I think babies usually don't take binkies because they don't like the nipple so once you find a good one she should take it fine.