A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pool Day in February

So we have all been going a bit stir crazy around here and missing summer sunshine so the closest thing to summer rather than hijacking the calender is heading to an indoor pool!

So my SIL Britney and I planned a play date with our kiddos. And I admit I was kinda freaking out inside just a bit. Londyn hasn't been since last summer and she wad barely walking then. Now she is a wild outgoing little toddler so I didn't know if she would love it, hate it or be indifferent. 

Luckily she loved it! And so did Ava (she has always been a water baby at heart). We just relaxed and played all afternoon.

Can't wait for the next time we can go. And it also is giving me summer fever big time! I plan on practically living at the pools and splash pads all summer long.

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