A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Night at the Museum

We took Miss A to the Dino Museum at Thanksgiving Point. It by far exceeded expectations. It was really big with lots of rooms. And it really felt like you were in the dino world. They had dim lighting and jungle sounds echoing throughout the rooms. Ava was interested but petrified at the same time. She probably though these things were real. So she was very good and kept super close to us at all times or wanted to be held. I gotta say at least she wasn't naughty so for that I was happy.

See below is how she was walking around, head up and in awe.

There were lots of fun activities for her to get involved. Maybe when she is a little older and less scared we will get a membership.
There was this dino statue that kids could play with. She is riding it below. Well, surprisingly she really liked it and would pet it and hug it. haha
Petting it.

This life sized turtle was HUGE. Wow I would not want to run into this guy at all.
Ava unknowingly walked into this and freaked out! I don't blame her on that. Wow so freaky!
And the last stop digging for dinos. Ava is so funny cuz she hates to get dirty. She is such a little girlie girl. So she was VERY careful walking in the sand and so dainty with the brush on the ground. Silly girl.

After we left the museum we headed out to get some yummy shakes. A perfect end to our President's Day weekend! Hope you all had a great one too!

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