A day in the life of a mom... the glamorous and messy reality of what makes it all worth it!

Friday, September 25, 2009

ZING ZAng zOom

We went to the Barnum and Bailey/ Ringling Brothers Circus a few weeks ago. It was SO much fun! I wasn't sure if Ava was maybe too young but she wasn't. Ava LOVED everything. We arrived early for the preshow where we got to meet some of the performers and see the elephants do some tricks.
Here she is with one of the clowns.

After the pre-show the stage was so packed with people it took forever to get back to our seats. So Russ sat down on one of the risers and I snapped a couple pics of Ava being her cute little self

The whole show Ava's full attention was glued to the stage. She loved the music and movement of all the excitment of everything going on. We had a blast. I think we will make this a tradition and go to the circus every year. I found coupons for the show. SO our tickets were $4 each and Ava was free. Well after taxes and fees it was a bit more than that. But still it was way cheap.

Our little Fam>>

While I was taking pictures she keep trying to turn around to see the stage like she is doing in the pic below. I was pretty impressed with how well the show kept her attention.

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